We know professionals like you are always looking for ways to build knowledge in their field of expertise to be on top of their game. 

For this reason, in order to offer you a compelling experience that would allow you to grow as a professional, the three European projects J-SAFE, MINDb4ACT and JPCOOPS decided to join forces to deliver a comprehensive training catalog covering different topics on radicalization prevention and investigations.


J-SAFE is a project co-funded by the DG Justice of the European Commission that supports judges and prosecutors in pronouncing informed decision sentencing on cases of radicalization throughout all stages of the procedure, through the use of the most appropriate risk assessment tools. It also supports prison and probation staff in the execution of sentences through a coherent set of programmes and an integrated flow of information, parallel to the European Criminal Records Information System, among multilevel and multiagency stakeholders. Visit jsafeproject.eu for more information on this project. Project Leader: Italian Ministry of Justice

MINDb4ACT is a project co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme that will contribute to shaping an international community of security experts and first-line professionals in order to meet the challenges and vulnerabilities of a globalised European and international society. Through the Living Lab framework, MINDb4ACT will collectively reassess individual, local, national, and multi-national approaches towards the comprehension, identification and prevention of violent radicalisation. Visit for mindb4act.eu more information on this project. Project Leader: Elcano, Spain

JPCOOPS is a project co-funded by the DG Justice of the European Commission, that tackles existing gaps in counter-radicalization policies and practices through cross-border cooperation of training providers.  This helps strengthen and institutionalize training courses on judicial and police cooperation within a public-private framework, considering up-scalability and the principle of conferral. Visit jpcoopsproject.eu for more information on this project. Project Leader: University of Malta.

Radicalisation as a Relational Phenomenon and Radicalization in Prison


To understand the complexity of radical phenomena through a multi-disciplinary approach at EU-level.

To develop advanced and specialized competences and abilities for LEAs, judges, prosecutors, Intel Agencies. Lawyers and vetted NGOs working in CT/CVE to identify different types of information within radical mechanisms, classify and transmit it within the procedural justice framework at MS and EU levels as part of the counter-radicalization measures.

Specific objectives: 

  1. To develop skills of public and private first-line practitioners to recognize radical dynamics and assess behaviours indicating potential escalations within the society-at-large;
  2. To improve critical knowledge on the mainstreaming radicalization theories and their relation with terrorism and other forms of crime.
  3. To improve know-how, competences and abilities of different LEAs, prison and justice operators to observe the emergence of radical dynamics within prisons and in different high-risk contexts; 
  4. To strengthen the role of the security stakeholders in their specific areas of interventions (concept of attributions), while reinforcing multiagency and public-private cooperation; 
  5. To prevent new emerging threats through an appropriate management of classified and non-classified security and non-security information, in line with the national and European legislations in force, in compliance with the existing procedural rights (Stockholm’s Roadmap), EU directives and privacy regulations.

Legal Aspects of Preventive Procedures and Agency Attributions – Data Management Plan


To differentiate procedures, their applicability, and agency attributions.

Specific Objectives

To develop specific knowledge and skills on the legal preventive measures in their interaction with security measures, procedural rights, and coherence with the national and EU legislation.

Basics of Digital Forensics for the Prevention of Radicalization and Prosecution of Terrorism


To develop basic competences to identify the illegitimate mobile devices within prisons and access data in line with the national practices and legislations.

Specific Objectives

To improve know-how, competencies, and abilities of different LEAs, prison, and justice operators to integrate digital and cyber data into the mechanisms of observation of radicalization as part of new preventive and investigative models.

Early Intervention and Awareness at Local Level


To sensibilise first-line practitioners at the local level on the phenomenon of radicalisation.

Specific Objectives

To improve know-how, competencies, and abilities of operators to understand the phenomenon of radicalization; improve their capabilities in early detection; train operators on multi-agency approach. 

Training Content

  • Polarization in urban areas.
  • Violent radicalization processes in urban areas. How to detect and intervene with them. Case analysis and debate around the film “The young Ahmed” (2019).
  • Practical case on the management of radicalisation and cultural diversity in the city of Madrid (Spain).

Penal Mediation and Alternative Measures to Detention – Violent Radicalization: a Restorative Justice Approach


To develop knowledge on the new models of existing strategies applied in several EU countries in case of radicalization, with a specific focus on the transition from the prison to the external life.

Specific Objectives

To improve know-how, competencies, and abilities of different public and private prison and justice operators to use different tools of reparative justices; adapt models of penal and cultural mediations to different types of inmates, depending from their status; Analyse different transitional mechanisms in place in diverse EU prison and probation systems.

Training Content

  • Restorative Justice and mediation, a brief introduction;
  • Legal basis and the subjects of RJ;
  • Radicalized cosmologies;
  • Models of intervention: mediation, community conferencing and community victim impact panel;
  • Victims, society, and jail.

Radicalisation in Schools and Online 


To develop knowledge of youth radicalization and first prevention tools.

Specific Objectives

To improve know-how, competencies, and abilities of school staff and local police in preventing violent radicalization in school and eventually address cases; improve teachers and school staff capability to raise students’ awareness of radicalization.

Training Content

  • Facts & figures on Islamist radicalization in European Countries.
  • Prevention: What is prevention? What forms of prevention exist? Responsibilities, limits, and potentials of schools in prevention work?
  • Islamist radicalization in youth: a process and expression of a psychosocial crisis in adolescents (process model of radicalization).
  • What can schools do?
  • A program proposal: the NETWAVE / NETWASS approach.
  • What your school can do?


To develop knowledge on the psychology of radicalisation for proactive prevention. 

Specific Objectives

It is not enough to study and describe the radicalization process for proactive prevention, it is necessary to take into account its psychological explanation. This module aims to further enfold the psychology of radicalisation, by focusing on the radicalisation spaces, indicators of radicalisation, psychology of violent radicalisation, and the discourse on deradicalisation.

TEACHER: Jose Postigo